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Slack Notification Configuration

Article author
Becky Carnegie
  • Updated

Document Outline

The following document outlines how to set up, test and uninstall the integration for Slack and Certification Automation.

Integration for Slack Setup Instructions

1.  Click My account (in the top right corner).

2.  Select Profile.

3.  Navigate to My Notifications.

4.  Click Manage Notification Settings.

5.  Click Enable Slack. (Note: This will take you to a new page.)

6.  Ensure the correct workspace is selected from the drop-down menu in the top right corner.

7.  Review the permissions and click Allow. (Note: This will redirect you to the Notification Settings page.)

8.  Update your preferences on the Notifications page.

First Time Slack Approval

Based on the configuration of your Slack workspace, the Tugbot app may have to be approved by your Slack workspace admin.

As a result, you may be prompted to send your Slack workspace admin a request to install the Tugbot app. If this request is approved, it can be used for all users within your Slack workspace.

Slack Configuration Video

Note: Although the content in this video is accurate, it may contain legacy branding.

The following video demonstrates the setup process for the integration for Slack.

Testing the Integration

You can test the integration for Slack by clicking the Send a Test Notification button. A test message will be sent to you in Slack to confirm the integration is working.

Removing the Integration

Select the Uninstall button found in the integration for Slack section of the Notification Settings page to remove the integration for Slack. You can remove the Tugbot app from the Apps list in Slack as well.

Multiple Organization Access

Notification preferences are per organization and user. Users with profiles in multiple organizations (e.g. auditors) can configure their notification preferences on a per organization basis. These users can choose to connect one Slack account to each of their profiles. This will enable notifications from different organizations to be sent to one Slack account for this type of user.


For additional information, see the OneTrust Privacy Notice

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